​Who is eligible to submit a manuscript?
Anyone who enrolls in high school or equivalent at the time of the initial submission is welcome. The journal publishes as a rolling base meaning your manuscript will be reviewed once it is submitted. It is JRHS’s goal to publish the manuscript in a reasonable timeline. Therefore, the manuscript will be published immediately once it is approved by the editor.
Is there a limit on the number of co-authors?
There is no limit on the number of authors. All appropriate collaborators who contribute enough and advisors should be recognized. However, the corresponding author should be indicated, and the editors will communicate with the corresponding author and the advisors — a copyright form has to be signed by the corresponding author and the advisor.
Who can be a research advisor?
Research advisors are professionals who have extensive research experience. Teachers, college/university professors, and industry professionals are just a couple of examples who can guide research performance and manuscript preparation. Manuscripts without research advisors will not be considered for publication. The research advisor will oversee every step of meaningful research inquiry and dissemination.
Can I submit more than one manuscript to JRHS for the same edition?
Authors can submit more than one manuscript. As long as each manuscript reflects original research or discusses meaningful literature reviews, it will be reviewed by editors. However, each submission needs the research advisor’s approval.
What subject areas does JRHS accept for the review?
JRHS takes the opportunity to invite original research and significant literature reviews in various fields of studies such as in the Engineering, Humanities, and Natural Science, Mathematics, and Social Science disciplines for the consideration of publication.
Who are the editors?
The editors are volunteer professional scientists, researchers, teachers, and professors from various disciplines. We are always recruiting editors across many fields, and some disciplines with fewer editors may need additional time to review manuscripts.
Can I submit the work published in another journal?
The JRHS accepts only original research or literature review which have not been published nor under consideration. It has been considered as a publication ethics to submit the original article to one journal at a time. Once the negative decision is made by the publisher, then the manuscript can be submitted to another journal. It is a general practice that violation of publication ethics such as duplicate submission, multiple submissions, plagiarism, will void submission into any journal, even withdrawn from the already published manuscript.
What is the publication process and how long does it take?
For the publication at JRHS, in general, there are four processes such as original formatting and plagiarism check, peer review, revision, and editorial decision. Each process has a different timeline depending on the alignments to the journal’s guidelines and the punctuality of authors’ responses to requests by the editors. In general, the turnaround timeline is approximately 3 - 6 months.
What other forms authors should submit with a manuscript?
All authors and the advisor will be asked to submit the signed copyright form. If the research involves human subjects such as an interview/survey, the JRHS may request a copy of the IRB decision letter (approve or waive).
Is there any expense to publish a manuscript?
While the JRHS has been run by many volunteers who value the research writing skills, to maintain high standard editorial administration, a submission fee of $300 is required for all new manuscripts.
What is the JRHS acceptance rate?
While the JRHS's key mission includes providing hands-on peer-review publication experiences to high school students, unfortunately, some submitted manuscripts have not been successful. Approximately, 30% of the submitted research papers have been published.
If I have more questions?
email to info@JournalResearchHS.org